Michael Routhier GSS Program Coordinator (603) 862-1954
The Graduate Certificate in Geospatial Science (GSS) at the University of New Hampshire is a multidisciplinary program designed to provide graduate level education in the applied and theoretical technology and applications of geospatial science. Students within the program are afforded the opportunity to build their five course requirement certificate from a variety of required and elective classes from different disciplines to best fit their academic, research, or professional interests. The flexibility of this program makes the program ideal for a student looking to complement their degree or a professional looking to build knowledge, skill and credentials within the Geospatial Sciences.
Learn how to fly Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for the collection, processing, and mapping of aerial imagery. Look for GSS 827: Applied Drone Remote Sensing during each summer session.
All GSS program students are welcomed to utilize the multiple computer systems, resources, and services of the Geospatial Science Center. Available in Room 253 of Morse Hall.
J-Term 2025
- GSS 800 Elements of Geospatial Science
 Spring 2025
- GSS 996 Independent Study in Geospatial Science
- MATH 836 Advanced Statistical Methods for Research
- NR 860 GIS in Natural Resources
- OE/ESCI 871 Positioning for Ocean Mapping
 Summer 2025
- GSS 827 Applied Drone Remote Sensing
- GSS 996 Independent Study in Geospatial Science
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